My first entry.

Sooooo….. Basically… this is my first entry. Now being that I’m some what of a perfectionist, and am desperately trying to break old habits, I am going to publish this post straight after writing it so excuse me if there are any grammatical issues and so forth and so on. 

So, the reason why I am writing this blog. Now while I have to admit it is perhaps a tad self indulgent, this blog is intended to help me to improve my life circumstances and track progress so I can create a more positive future for myself. I don’t even expect that anyone should read the ramblings of a simple girl who is lacking in confidence and overall unimpressed with life. Thats okay though, nevertheless I shall persevere. 

I don’t suspect I am any more unique than a lot of other people in their late twenties/early thirties in the West who are quite unsatisfied with their lives. I’ve done all the right things basically, finish school, travel, go to university and do a couple of degrees, travel some more and get a job. However my life is plagued with feelings of inadequacy. After the breakup of an engagement and family deaths, coupled with my horrendous inability to make decisions and hard core procrastination issues, I am now at a low point in my life where I find myself in a low paying dead end job with a bullying manager, living back at home in a less than ideal environment, overweight by about 15 kilograms (thats a little over 30lbs for my American friends), under the heavy weight of debt, and a feeling of depression and lack of interest in my friends, whom I seem to be growing ever more distant with. 

I guess this is all part of life. Anyway my goal for this blog is to monitor my progress in life and perhaps, maybe, if things are able to improve I can hopefully help some other people on their way up from rock bottom through my story. Anyway as stated, the basics are that I’m poor, overweight, living at home, single, lonely, suffering from procrastination issues and a crippling level of indecisiveness, wallowing in self pity etc etc. I hope to somehow be able to turn my life around because I feel that this is a critical moment in my life where I’m standing on the edge of sliding downhill into an abyss of loneliness and self abuse. That might seem a little melodramatic, but just saying how I feel at this present moment. Anyway. Hope remains as I am making the effort to construct this first entry. I only procrastinated about four months to start this blog. Lol. Anyway that is all for now.